userChromeJS bertsioaren historia

12 bertsio

Argi ibili bertsio zaharrekin!

Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti.

1.2 bertsioa 9.2 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 91.0 - 131.*

Support calendar event windows.

1.1 bertsioa 9.0 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 91.0 - *

Add a toolbar button which, when clicked, reloads your userChrome.js in the current window.

1.0.2 bertsioa 8.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 91.0 - *

No functional changes. Just releasing new version for full Thunderbird 115 compatibility.

1.0.1 bertsioa 8.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 91.0 - *

Compatibility fixes. No functional changes.

1.0 bertsioa 8.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

Compatibility with new Thunderbird releases.

0.0.10 bertsioa 8.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 78.*

Thunderbird 78 compatibility!

Thank you to Jorg K <[email protected]> for the initial port to Thunderbird 78.

Note that if you check "location" in your userChrome.js file, in Thunderbird 78 window locations end in ".xhtml" instead of ".xul". You can write userChrome.js checks that are compatible with both Thunderbird 68 and Thunderbird 78 by doing something like:

if (location.href.startsWith("chrome://messenger/content/messenger.x")) {

0.0.9 bertsioa 8.1 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

Remove Kickstarter campaign pop-up, since the campaign has succeeded and is almost over.

0.0.8 bertsioa 30.4 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

Translation updates.

0.0.7 bertsioa 29.9 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

This add-on will no longer be supported when Thunderbird 78 is released in a few months, unless enough people commit to supporting continued maintenance of the add-on to make it feasible. To show your commitment, please visit and make a pledge. As a bonus, Kickstarter supporters of this and my other add-ons will receive significant discounts on add-on licenses.

This release of the add-on adds a pop-up message warning users about the potential end of support and encouraging people to visit the Kickstarter campaign and support it.

0.0.5 bertsioa 7.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

The last batch of TB68 changes excluded the handling of windows other than the main mail window. This update is an attempt to address the problem the previous changes were intended to address while at the same time handling all windows, not just the main mail window.

0.0.4 bertsioa 7.5 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 73.0

More Thunderbird 68 compatibility changes. TB builds prior to 2019-05-20 will no longer work.

0.0.3 bertsioa 7.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 60.0 - 68.0a1