
Acerca de mí

Información del desarrollador
Nombre Susannah
Ubicación Longview, Washington
Usuario desde Mar. 26, 2016
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
Calificación media de sus complementos Sin puntuar aún

Con un poco más de detalle...

I'm a lifetime student. It took me years to finish college because I had no idea what I wanted to do. I am now working on my Master's in Gerontology & Aging Studies. Once that is complete, I hope to continue and obtain a PhD in Leadership or Family Studies - I'm not sure which yet. I live in Washington, in the same county as Mt. St. Helen's.

I'm not a developer but I love FF add-ons and themes!

Mis revisiones

Bernie Sanders 2016

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

It's obvious why I wanted this theme - The numbers are a little fuzzy but overall, I love the theme!