BlackBart 1955

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Nombre BlackBart 1955
Usuario desde Ago. 26, 2010
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The Midnight Sun

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

This is a picture of what the sun looks like in Nordkapp, Norway, the world's highest city (above the arctic circle at 71° 10' 21"). There is a famous postcard of this scene.
This is a picture actually taken by Kurt MAN. It's a depiction of "the sun that never sets", in an hourly picture, the left side, being taken at approx. 6:00 AM, and the far right side at approx. 6:00 PM. The midnight sun can be seen from 14 May to the 31st of July. The sun reaches its lowest point from 12:14 - 12:24 a.m. during those days. For more information, see Wikipedia "Nordkapp, Norway", or "North Cape, Norway".