Zlarx Gloorg

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Información del desarrollador
Nombre Zlarx Gloorg
Usuario desde Jul. 9, 2015
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

RequestPolicy Continued

Puntuado con 2 de 5 estrellas

Before mozilla switched to requiring addons to be signed, I was using this:


The 1.0 beta of requestpolicy works perfectly. All the kinds of rules I would normally have to spend time adding are already there, and it very rarely gets in my way.

Contrast this with RequestPolicy Continued. RequestPolicy continued is more intrusive, doing things like not allowing links to take me to another page. I always end up disabling it soon after installing it. It would be nice if RequestPolicy Continued would build on the RequestPolicy 1.0 version, so it could start with a nice, user-friendly version. Maybe someone could make a fork...

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.0.beta12.3).