Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Great work chrsmj,

i was able to install the addon, but dont know how to use/start it.. Any idea?

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This is a great plugin that makes sorting out client work much more manageable. I run it manually to generate CSV files which I process further with another tool into PDF invoices.

Also I made some updates to get it working on Thunderbird version 60. See:


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

The add-on isn't working with TB 60.3.1, the preferences panel is not shown and the try to open it freeze the TB interface.

Any idea how to modify the source code to solve the problem?

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Unfortunately this very useful add-on no longer works on Mozilla Thunderbird 60.2.1 with Lightning (on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 64-bit).
The preferences panel is not shown.

I tried to manually modify the install.rdf file inside the add-on, in order to force the possibility to install it on Thunderbird 60.2.1.
The add-on can be installed, but it doesn't work at all.

I have the impression that this add-on is no longer supported by the Author.

Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει υποβάλει παλιότερη αξιολόγηση για το πρόσθετο.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This add-on works in Thunderbird 52.9.1 (64 bit) under Ubuntu 18.04 without issues for the part saving calendar data.
You can select the folder in which your calendar events (of lightning add on) have to be exported and the laps of time between every backup. You can select a script to execute when saving but it seems not to run. I select my own script in order to send my calendar data to Telegram using the small program telegram-send (https://pypi.org/project/telegram-send/). This option could be even integrated in the add-on as feature or it would be possible an integration with another cool program named Task coach
Another only problem of this add-on is that you can't manually backup your calendar data because there is simply no button for doing this.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Thunderbird 38.4 on Linux becomes painfully slow with this module (ver. 0.5.2). More than 1 Gb of RAM & 1 core are completely used by it. Linux 14.04 LTS and newer becomes instable and a memory leak appears.

The problem did not exist with previous versions of Thunderbird/Linux (before nov. 2015). The module was great at this time, thanks.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Das war ein super Add-On und hat immer funktioniert. Seit meiner Umstellung auf TB 31.6.0 hat sich mein TB leider immer aufgehängt und wurde so langsam, dass man nicht mehr damit arbeiten konnte. Es dauerte bis ich den Fehler gefunden habe. Nach der Deaktivierung dieses Add-Ons hat TB wieder normal funktioniert. Es wäre schön, wenn dieses ADD-On upgedated wird, da ich es vermisse.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

This extension does not perform as stated, at least for TB 31.3.0.
It does not backup on close, and it does not have a button to run backups on command.

Also, there should be a help page detailing how to perform these stated functions.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Linux Mint 15 Olivia (Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail)
TB 24.2.0
Lightning 2.6.5
Automatic Export 0.5.2

This is a much-needed extension and, in general, it works very well. Thank you for creating it.

The extension does not, however, seem to handle Linux filepath separators ("/"), and the "automatic backup" feature seems to save only one version though the documentation implies that multiple versions can be saved.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Debian wheezy 7.3 amd64, icedove 17.0.10
- with automatic export
- "Défini par l'utilisateur" (french)
- hours no empty
- minute empty

If "minute" no empty, it's good.

Thanks for your addon.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Ich bin, was die Export/Backup-Funktion angeht, mit Automatic Export sehr zufrieden.
Allerdings funktioniert das Aufrufen einer externen Applikation nach dem Export / Backup nicht. Ich erhalte immer eine JAVA-Fehlermeldung. Es wird eine Export-ics-Datei angelegt, aber die Applikation (in meinem Fall ein Script) wird nicht gestartet.
Statt dessen wird der Vorgang mit einer Fehlermeldung quittiert. Das Problem trat bereits seit der Vorgängerversion 0.5.0 auf.
Die Fehlerkonsole von Thunderbird gibt auch nicht viel Verwertbares her.

Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει υποβάλει παλιότερη αξιολόγηση για το πρόσθετο.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Beste Add on

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great work. Works perfect for synching via Ubuntu One.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Nice Extension. Though I use automatic export mostly it would be nice to add the export button to the lightning toolbar, now that thunderbird 11 distinguishes between mail and calendar toolbar.

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.5.1). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great addon, excellent for backup use! Thanks a lot! Please make it work for TB 10! Thanks!

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.5.1). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Add-on works but it would be nice that the html export can given a start-date relative to the actual date.

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.5.1). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Unfortunately, the newest version of this add-on, 0.4.3 appears to be broken on Sunbird 1.0b1. "Export on Close" doesn't do anything, and there's no option for timed exports visible.

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.3.2). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

- The addon can do timed exports of the calendar. I use it to create a web view of the calendar with phpicalendar.
- Version of the addon here on addons.mozilla.org is outdated (0.3.2) . On the author homepage is a never version. (0.4.3)
- Automatic export "on close" is not working. But I don't need it. I used timed exports every 10 minutes.

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.3.2). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Its a great AddOn.
To use it with Thunderbird 3.1.* look at

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.3.2). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Thunderbird 3.1 Compatibility
Jeff3832, I could not get this to work. Can you upload your version of this extension or provide more details.
Many thanks.

Αυτή η αξιολόγηση γράφτηκε για παλιότερη έκδοση του πρόσθετου (0.3.2).