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Información del desarrollador
Nombre fffoxxx
Usuario desde Jul. 12, 2007
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

Password Exporter

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Sweet. Reloading firefox and this is going to help a lot. I came back here to figure out how it was encrypting, it doesn't say in the addon itself, I see its internal and wont need any password or anything to decrypt for now, which is fine for what I'm doing. Thanks.

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.1). 

Session Manager

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I've looked at the settings and told it to automatically open the last session, but it still opens the prompt for which session.

The sessions listed include 'current browsing session' and 'previous browsing session' both of which have not date/time and no tab count. I'd rather they all show the same and be sorted by date, most recent first :)


Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento ( 

Tiny Menu

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Tiny Menu saves me valuable screen space.

Simple and easy, I doubt it has any compatibility issues, I've found none with 40 or so addons.

I would like to see a few main button replacement icons, maybe here or on the wiki page. I found 20 or so on GIS, a few fit, none match my theme color, no transparency. I'm just using the firefox logo with a white background for now :(

Thanks for for a great addon :D

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.4.9).