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Información del desarrollador
Nombre Cevany
Ubicación Arizona
Ocupación student
Usuario desde Abr. 7, 2016
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

naruto manga collage

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Makes me feel hopeful every time I see it, thanks for that!

Kakashi and Gai: Eternal Rivalry! #1

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I am delighted to see Kakashi's and Gai's friendship/rivalry when I open up Firefox! I also appreciate that it is pleasing to the eye as they are not all over the place and just located in one spot :3

naruto mangallage collection - kakashi

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I love the light blue background used! Although, I must say, my most favorite aspects are the silly Kakashis I see X3

Kakashi - Ridiculous Strength

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I like it! It's simple, and captures an endearing side of Kakashi; makes me smile every time I see it :D