Versionshistorik for TT DeepDark

68 versioner

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Disse versioner vises som reference og til testformål. Du bør altid bruge den seneste version af en tilføjelse.

Version 1.6.1 901.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 11.0a1

- fixed > font color contrast issue in Lightning's attendee's popup (name of attendees were displayed in black color over black background)

Version 1.6 901.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 11.0a1

- new account central page design ;
- new addressbook card view design ;
- animated hover effect on search boxes ;
- orange unread message icon ;
- added hover effect on tree rows ;
- recovered tag background color when tagged mail selected ;
- fixed > few little design issues with "Lightning" addon calendar ;
- fixed > unwanted icon animation in tabmails ;
- fixed > spinbutton arrow display issue when disabled ;
- fixed > menupopup checkbox + radio items alignement issue for Win XP and Linux ;
- removed inset box shadow effect for the main toolbox + compositor and addressbook window ;
- menulist menupopup brighter background for better highlight ;
- few other minor design changes...

Version 1.5.0 886.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 11.0a1

- thiner scrollbars ;
- new tab close buttons for better visibility ;
- mini-month calendar "previous" button display fixed ;
- new mini-month calendar design ;
- overall brighter background color ;
- new tooltip background color ;
- glowing progressmeter ;
- inset shadow effect for account central box tree ;
- new addons manager page design ;
- improved design accuracy for XP and Linux;

Version 1.4.1 715.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 11.0a1

- Fix concerning the HeaderMessage's button position issue occured with the comming of TB 8.0 version ;
- removed grid background for the main tabs bar ;
- darker font color for inactive menu ;
- blue highlight color for active dropdown items ;
- few other minor background color fixes (in "activity" popup and also in Lightning addon's "edit alarm" popup)
- right to left compatibility improved ;
- more compact treecol picker

Version 1.3.5 724.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 9.0a1

- Quickfilter bar background color fixed > for Linux users

Version 1.3.3 682.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 9.0a1

- calendar selected day highlight (in Lightning addon) fixed ;
- grey font color for main menu (instead of previous white color)

Version 653.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 9.0a1

Version 1.2.3 658.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 5.0 - 9.0a1