Versionshistorik for Tamil Spell Checker for Firefox

5 versioner

Vær forsigtig med ældre versioner!

Disse versioner vises som reference og til testformål. Du bør altid bruge den seneste version af en tilføjelse.

Version 0.4.2webext 282.7 KiB

Version 0.4.1-typefix 283.4 KiB

Version 0.4 283.0 KiB

now supports for Firefox 4 and above

Version 0.3 252.0 KiB

Updated for new version of Firefox

Version 0.2 252.0 KiB

50,000 more words have been added to this release from Tamil Wiktionary Project. You can take a look here

This addon wouldnt have been possible without these contributors
1. sundar
2. ravi

You can download it and test it and enjoy.

வாழ்க தமிழ்! வளர்க தமிழ்!