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Navn Dolphin767
Bruger siden juni 18, 2010
Antal udviklede tilføjelser 0 tilføjelser
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af udviklerens tilføjelser Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

Mine anmeldelser


Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

Are you planning to update this to work with Firefox 7 or later?

CS Lite

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

Are you going to update this to work with TB3? I would really appreciate it if you did since I can't store any cookies for Thunderbrowse.


Bedømmelse: 4 ud af 5 stjerner

I really love this add on, but ever since I updated Firefox, I am unable to open link in the browser. I have to do this because I can't always look at pages in Thunderbrowse for some unknown reason. It works well for some sites, but it won't let me post responses in Facebook from Thunderbrowse. I think this program needs some tweaks and updating.

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen ( 


Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

I love this add on. It works great except that CS Lite won't work with the newest version of TB, so I can't store cookies which would be really great. I think it is such a great add on, it really saves me time. Now I don't have to wait for the browser to open to see something. I will definitely be sending a donation to the author for this one. Thanks!!

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (