
Om mig

Information om udvikleren
Navn Leichenengel
Sted Germany
Stilling Media Designer Digital&Print
Hjemmeside https://leichenengel.deviantart.com
Bruger siden juni 1, 2018
Antal udviklede tilføjelser 24 temaer
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My background themes are created of my own personal artworks that you can find within my deviantART gallery. If you want to use my artwork for your own themes please contact me beforehand and credit the respective artwork later in your description. If you want me to offer a theme from a specific artwork in my gallery, feel free to contact me too.

Thanks in advance for using my themes and for following my terms of use.


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Mine mest populære temaer

Mine anmeldelser

MaDonnas Blue Green

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

This is my current favorite since it matches my Windows Wallpaper, as well as my Windwos Color Theme perfectly as it contains all the different turquoice, blue and petrol shades, that are also within my wallpaper. Congratz on being so passionate about firefox personalization and even having them feature you in a video clip - nice house and garden by the way ^^. I'm an artist myself but even though I have tons of own artworks I'd love to turn into themes - they just look awful in 3000x200 Pixels ;-) Anyways - keep going!

Best wishes from Germany
