Versionshistorik for Dafizilla Table2Clipboard

21 versioner

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Disse versioner vises som reference og til testformål. Du bør altid bruge den seneste version af en tilføjelse.

Version 34.8 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.19, Thunderbird 2.0 - 20.*

- v1.5.3.1 is identical to v1.5.3, only bumped version number for Thunderbird

Version 34.8 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 7.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 6.*

<p class="box-light">
- Bug 3287496 - Copy all Tables" menuitem from Edit menu doesn't work </p>
<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 3288139 - Copy all Tables shortcut conflicts with standard commands </p>

Version 34.9 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 4.2a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.3a4pre

- Bug 3125175 - Copy selected cells does not work from time to time

Version 35.1 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 5.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.3a2pre

<p class="box-light">
- Bug 3023668 - TB 2.x and 3.x: Clicking on links
hungup application </p>
<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 3022674 - linewraps (<br>) in table are
eliminated with csv export </p>

Version 1.5 31.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a3pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.2a1pre

- Allow to filter attributes to include in output read more at HTML Attributes Filters
- Bug 2887200 - Copy tables without any attributes
- Bug 3012492 - IMG relative urls are not converted to absolute
- Bug 3009179 - Pasting into FrontPage or Expression Web copies some styles

Version 1.4 28.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a3pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.2a1pre

<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 2958509 - Add Copy Column option </p>
<p class="box-light">
- Bug 2801916 - "Select table" hidden when cells selected </p>
<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 2801694 - "Copy whole table" hidden when cells selected </p>

Version 1.3 27.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a2pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.2a1pre

<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 2946524 - Copy all tables present on page </p>
<p class="box-light">
- Bug 2885300 - Wrong cells disposition when columns have colspan </p>
<p class="box-dark">
- Bug 2874079 - Add Prism to supported applications </p>

Version 1.2 28.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

[Fix] - Bug 2869523 - Form elements value is not copied

Version 1.1 27.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

New - Copy original table styles (colors, borders, text alignments). Full support on Microsoft products, partial support on OpenOffice products
New - Bug 2867253 - Allow to disable form elements copy
Fix - Bug 2858939 - When images copy is turned off the copy fails
Fix - Bug 2863751 - When style copy is turned off the HTML style attribute is incorrectly copied

Version 1.0 25.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.5 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 0.5 - 3.1a1pre

[New] Copy original table styles (colors, borders, text alignments). Full support on Microsoft products, partial support on OpenOffice products
[Fix] Bug 2550401 - Maintain PRE tag output format
[Fix] Bug 2801686 - Table copied incorrectly

Version 0.2.1 22.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.5 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 0.5 - 3.0b2pre

Fix - duplicate Edit menu entries
New - Handle colspan and rowspan
New - Copy textbox content
New - Settings accessible from Tools menu

Version 0.2 22.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.5 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 0.5 - 3.0b2pre

New - Handle colspan and rowspan
New - Copy textbox content
New - Settings accessible from Tools menu

Version 0.1.2 22.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.5 - 3.1b2pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0.*, Thunderbird 0.5 - 2.0.0.*

Added support for FF3.1

Version 0.1.1 22.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.5 - 3.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.0.*, Thunderbird 0.5 - 2.0.0.*

Remove content not visible (ie CSS display = none)
Graphics design by Savaden

Version 0.0.3 20.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 3.0pre, SeaMonkey 1.1a - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.5 - 3.0a1

Added new context menu operations 'copy whole table' and 'select table'

Version 18.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a7, SeaMonkey 1.1a - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.5 - 2.0.0.*

Bug fix: HTML entities are now handled correctly

Version 18.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a7, SeaMonkey 1.1a - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.5 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed leaks

Version 18.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a7, SeaMonkey 1.1a - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.5 - 2.0.0.*

Changed compatibility version

Version 17.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 2.0.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.1a - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.5 - 1.5.0.*

On Microsoft Windows the default row separator is rn

Version 0.0.2 16.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 1.5.0.*, Thunderbird 0.5 - 1.5.0.*

Fixed bug that shows menu item disabled when valid table elements are selected

Version 0.0.1 14.0 KiB Virker med Firefox 1.0 - 1.5.0.*, Thunderbird 0.5 - 1.5.0.*