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Informace o vývojáři
Jméno T V
Zaregistrován(a) od Dub. 28, 2008
Počet vyvíjených doplňků 0 doplňků
Průměrné hodnocení doplňků vývojáře Nehodnoceno

Mé recenze

ImportExportTools NG

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček

Fantastic tool to archive an old mail box. The html export is really convenient.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (14.1.2). 

Highlight External Addresses

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček

First of all, thanks for this extension. I have been looking for something like that for quite some time.

The main issue is that it only works for plain text messages right now (version 1.03). If I compose an html message, I do not get the address highlighting.

Also, (in plain text obviously) the highlighting happens even when the recipient line is still empty or unfinished. This is a little bit annoying. Having the highlighting happen only on completed recipient lines would make it even better.

iGoogle Sidebar Toggle

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček


Thanks a lot for the addon. I have been looking for that for quite some time now!

It works like a charm for
but unfortunately doesn't for

I hope you could fix this!

Keep up the good work,