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Fresh Green Leaves
4 927 uživatelů -
Two little birds
27 788 uživatelů
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My wallpaper to match is at: http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1721365/60 uživatelů -
has landed here to stay
To make my garden pretty
and keep the weeds away.
~ Author Unknown
colorful red and white speckled summer ladybug on a winter green leaf with crystal morning dew falling from the leaves
=^....277 uživatelů -
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20 uživatelů
This is a modified version of the theme "tiger eyes light blue" from AmSumz.80 uživatelů -
This is a modified version of the theme "tiger eyes light blue" from AmSumz.53 uživatelů -
26 uživatelů
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