Historie verzí doplňku Seams

4 verze

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Verze 2.0.1 21.9 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 a novější

- Clear status badge all the time when displaying a new message, because Thunderbird 102 no longer hides (but turns grey instead) the button for messages that are not recognised as patches.

Verze 2.0.0 21.9 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 a novější

- Add Preferences page.
- Add configuration options to select which Patchwork instances to use. Multiple instances supported.
- Add configuration options to select what information to display.
- Add support for displaying patch IDs only (opt-in option).
- Add support for cover letters.

Verze 1.1.0 13.5 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 a novější

- Add support for CI checks from Patchwork.
- Provide visual feedback when clicking a command to copy it to the clipboard.
- Improve CSS to make the different pop-up sections clearer.

Verze 1.0.0 12.0 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 a novější