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За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име mmangen
Потребител от Март 29, 2009
Брой добавки 0 добавки
Средна оценка на добавките Без оценка

Мои отзиви

Ziftr Alerts (formerly FreePriceAlerts)

Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

I downloaded both the Firefox and Chrome version since I use both browsers. I have had great success with the add-on in both. This past weekend I was on Amazon to buy a Roomba and FPA alerted me there was a much better deal over on Ebay (which I never visit). I bought it at Ebay (brand new) and saved just over $55.

Since I do a lot of online shopping I look forward to continuing to save money with the add-on.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (1.5.1-signed.1-signed).