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За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име markcarter58
Потребител от Юни 30, 2011
Брой добавки 0 добавки
Средна оценка на добавките Без оценка

Мои отзиви

Ziftr Alerts (formerly FreePriceAlerts)

Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

This application finds me a better price for everything, no matter where I am on the net, and I don't have to do a thing to make that happen, just browse. Crazy! If I'm already looking at the lowest available price, FPA tells me. Now that is peace of mind shopping. And it costs me... nothing? Now that is a five-star deal!

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (1.5.1-signed.1-signed).