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Име drunik
Потребител от Ноев. 21, 2009
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Мои отзиви

Image Zoom

Оценена с 2 от 5 звезди

It does NOT work in FaceBook any more, since some time. In some pages/sites works ok, but in some others it doesn't.

Thumbnail Zoom Plus

Оценена с 2 от 5 звезди

NO MORE... eg. on Facebook, it either does NOTHING ATL ALL, or, show a thumbnail as ... a thumbnail AGAiN (maybe +10% zoomed).
In other pages (sites) workes 50-50%:
in some, it does; in some, it doesn't!
It's a pity! BECAUSE it's been more than a month as above, and NO RESOLViNG UPDATE YET, to remedy this.
(I'm afraid, "imagus" alternative addon, behaves pretty much the same.)
Let's see, whose seveloper fixes its own FiRST? ...

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (4.1).  Потребителят има предишен отзив към добавката.

Thumbnail Zoom Plus

Оценена с 3 от 5 звезди

USED TO BE the best of the street...!
Lately shows a very ... ODD behaviour!...
the size of the zoomed (?) pics are by-standard small; sometimes not working at all, in common pages/sites that was working great before; (eg. facebook) ...
It's frustrating; I think I'll switch-try some alternative (maybe, Imagus) and see if developer of TZP should correct it with an update.
Thanks so far.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (4.1). 


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

Bravo! This is a very useful plugin, when needed (even not very often).
Thank u 4 ur work.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (5.5.0). 


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

Bravo! This is a very useful plugin, when needed (even not very often).
Thank u 4 ur work.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (5.5.0). 


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

Real good work. Very usefull if you want to save an entire page with the graphics included, in a single file (get rid of several folders).
Thank you very much.

There was an earlier addon, called otherwise, but its compatibility stopped as of Mozilla's version 1.5.
Glad to see it again.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (5.5.0).