تاريخ إصدارات Column Reader

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هذه الإصدارات ظاهرة لأغراض المرجعية والاختبار. ينبغي عليك دائمًا أن تستخدم الإصدارة الأخيرة من هذه الإضافة.

الإصدارة 5.8 44.7 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 35.0 - 56.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - *, ثندرِبِرد 35.0 - 56.0

FIX: The panel again uses native scrolling in order to restore touch device compatibility.

الإصدارة 5.7 44.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 35.0 - 56.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - *, ثندرِبِرد 35.0 - 52.0

FEATURE: A contrast color is now used in the panel to distinguish all clickable elements.
FEATURE: The PaleMoon and SeaMonkey applications are now supported.
FEATURE: The toolbar button now also gets appended to the ThunderBird application.

الإصدارة 5.5 42.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 35.0 - 56.*, ثندرِبِرد 35.0 - 52.0

FEATURE: Support for Thunderbird was restored and support for non-e10s Firefox was improved.
FEATURE: The toolbar button and context menu items now have different icons that indicate the state of the selector and reader module.
FEATURE: Separate menu items were added for opening the panel and for entering the reader, also to the tab context menu.
FIX: Start-up is now more reliable, for example when quickly opening multiple windows.
FIX: Context menu items are now created only when a menu is opened, which also prevents the failure of XUL overlays.
FIX: A domain-dependent style preference are now used also after a different page element is selected.
FIX: Full screen mode is now again the browser full screen mode, now that the full-screen-api is broken.
FIX: The element selector no more fails when the clicking outside of the body element.
FIX: The reader no more fails when document.documentElement is selected.
FIX: The panel background was made transparent to prevent a paint bug with 100% CPU upon resize.
FIX: The outdated extension preferences branch is now removed directly after upgrading (and no more after uninstallation).