Timeline se weergawegeskiedenis

6 versions

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Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 0.5 14.9 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 17.0 - 31.*

Fixes bug where the red Now line is failing to show
Fixes bug where events no longer have rounded corners

Weergawe 0.4.2 14.8 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

Fix compatibility with Lightning 1.9

Weergawe 0.4.1 13.0 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 5.0 - 16.*

This version fixes a bug where the time shown on the timeline is always GMT, even when the system timezone isn't.

Weergawe 0.4 13.0 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 5.0 - 9.*

Version 0.4

This version has fixed most of the regressions present in version 0.3.4. The Now line now shows on top of events again. Tasks and all-day events now show up correctly. Also, the week and month views now function correctly.

Users of Thunderbird 3 or 3.1 and users of Sunbird should use version 0.3.3 of this add-on, which works much better in those Thunderbird versions.

Suggestions are more than welcome to [email protected].

Weergawe 0.3.4 13.0 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 5.0 - 8.*

Version 0.3.4
The add-on has been updated to work with Thunderbird 5. Unfortunately, there have been several regressions in the process:
- The red Now line is now underneath events rather than on top of them
- All-Day events now show as the same height as regular events instead on a line
- The timeline deforms slightly as an event rolls onto the screen, leaving events slightly out of sync (by less than 10 mins)
- Event doesn't start rolling onto the screen until 25px after it's start time, then appears as an expanding box.

Users of Thunderbird 3 or 3.1 should use version 0.3.3 of this add-on, which works much better in those Thunderbird versions.

Suggestions on how to resolve these problems would be more than welcome to <ahref="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected].

Weergawe 0.3.3 14.0 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 3.0b1 - 3.3a3pre