Resensies oor Re-Pagination
52 resensies oor dié byvoeging
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
The option gets added to the right click menu and with 8 tries it did perform a count of the pages in the document. But it never displayed the document or provide any indication of what you should expect or how to read the combined pages. Just a waste.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I was so appreciated that I signed up just to post this review! Repagination just saved my day after a lot of headache searching for a way to auto load the next pages in Firefox. Autopager was a pain and Autopagerize didn't work but this one is working like a charm. Just right click on the next link and choose to load all or some of the next pages. Nice job Nils!
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Since Firefox 55 version, this addon is not working. Earlier it used to work flawlessly.
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Anyone know where it is? The slideshow I'm trying to use has an arrow that means next. I right click on this but nada. I'm eager to have this on a right click but can't figure it out.
If you have the answer, please post.
Meanwhile, I'll have to stick to slide-deslider
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Does not work. No menu item exists.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I've used this add-on for years and it's still a great add-on. Using it in Ff v46.01 as of this writing with no issues what so ever. Works just as described. Follow directions; right click on the "Next" link (or equivalent) then implement re-pagination via your menu. DO NOT right click on the page numbers listed.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11). This user has a previous review of this add-on.Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Try PageZipper
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This addon works perfectly for the website I wanted it for. TBIB.
Thank you :)
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
I tried to use this on MSN, Yahoo, and a few others and could not get the box to appear that has the re-pagination feature.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Спасибо! Весь сайт перерыла пока нашла ваше дополнение! Я просто счастлива!
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Absolutely greatissimo! I'm on a site with basically one main page that has, get this, a little less than 8000 subpages. Obviously everything would crash if I tried to open them simultaneously, and I don't have the need to, but with this I can open, say, 15 pages at a time and duly stay sane by saving my mouse arm and nerves. Many thanks!
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
It is a great Add-On. Congrats! Unfortunately, on this link is not working: Can you do it works on this link, too?!
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Oddly enough it doesn't seem to work on the Mozilla Firefox add-on search results.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.10.11).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I use this and Zipper, if one can't the other will do, this one can work with most pages thou.
I wish there was and auto pager or customize the number of pages to load.
I do not use Autopagireze/Autopager.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This add-on is great! Makes reading articles and comics spread across multiple pages much easier. It also helps making downloading said comics easier as well when using DownThemAll within one tab. I once used other add-on(s) that had auto-pagination, but having to scroll all the way down to get the next page loaded was a major pain, especially for downloading purposes. Re-pagination gives me control over how many pages to load and when I want all pages loaded, it does so. I'm on Firefox version 40.0.3 and this add-on still works.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.01.11.1-signed). This user has a previous review of this add-on.Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Tried on Google and elsewhere, doesn't work, selecting repagination has no effect. Maybe conflicts with another addon, maybe incompatible with Palemoon 25.x. A direly needed tool to combat multi-page clicksuckers, but non-functional.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.01.11.1-signed).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Would be clunky and inconvenient even if it worked, but it didn't work on any site I tried it on.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2015.01.11.1-signed).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Phenomenally useful, smart add-on. Can't tell you the amount of time and clicking it's saved me. Why endure clicking through one page after the next when this enables you to load and line them up as one?
Really a 5-star extension, but I cruelly deducted a star only because it doesn't work on some pages. Still about to send Nils Maier $5.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Very good idea, works. Took me a moment to figure out you need to RMB the page numbers (perhaps it is noted somewhere, but who reads user guides anyway :-) Great work!
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2013.03.18.1-signed).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I love repagination, and it worked well for years with Flickr. But since the Flickr programmers set up their two-page display, you apparently cannot repaginate to any desired number of pages.
I've also found that, though repagination appears to work with Tumblr, you can't save the result into a working file. Instead, the file, when opened from your computer file structure, contains only blank information, though the file size appears to indicate some information is there, somewhere. It's gotta be the Tumblr programmers, my guess at least.
If these are bugs in repagination (I doubt it), I sent a note to the developer.
Om eie versamelings te bou, is 'n Mozilla-byvoegingsrekening nodig.