NotTo_Ojx se weergawegeskiedenis
6 versions
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Weergawe 1.6
Works with TB 23 and after.
Add button Foward Notto
Add button Foward Notto
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Weergawe 1.5
1.5 - 02/2013
GUI improvement:
remove modification of Forward button because of different platforms support problems.
add contextual item (transfer without exp) in appmenu
GUI improvement:
remove modification of Forward button because of different platforms support problems.
add contextual item (transfer without exp) in appmenu
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Weergawe 1.4
Remove commented code because it prevents automatic compatibility check to succeed.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Weergawe 1.3
Supports Thunderbird 5.x
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Weergawe 1.2
Mail addresses are now case insensitive.
Improves NotTo/Cc/Bcc management, in same manner as To/Cc/Bcc:
allows lists
validate address format
Improves NotTo/Cc/Bcc management, in same manner as To/Cc/Bcc:
allows lists
validate address format
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Weergawe 1.1
Add option to have only one NotTo which applies for the 3 types (NotTo, NotCc and NotBcc).
Option modification takes effect for every new mail.
Correct bug: description was not translated.
Option modification takes effect for every new mail.
Correct bug: description was not translated.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Om eie versamelings te bou, is 'n Mozilla-byvoegingsrekening nodig.