TimerFox se weergawegeskiedenis
6 versions
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Weergawe 2.5
New version for SeaMonkey on addons.thunderbird.net!
Full list of changes since 1.0:
v2.5 - September 20, 2020
*Major code cleanup.
v2.4 - August 28, 2018
+Added Lithuanian localization.
*Updated French localization. Still need Bulgarian, German, Esperanto, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Turkish, Vietnamese, and simplified Chinese updates.
*Improved namespacing to prevent issues with ES6.
*Fixed automatic adding to the navigation toolbar on fresh install for SeaMonkey.
*Workaround for disabled AutoPlay blocking the audio file playback feature.
#Duplicated Ukrainian localization for uk-UA.
v2.3 - May 10, 2018
+Added audio playback "stop" command while playing alert audio.
v2.2 - May 6, 2018
+Added missing localizations (partial).
/Need help translating new audio file feature for the following languages:
/Bulgarian, German, Esperanto, French, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Turkish, Vietnamese and simplified Chinese
v2.1 - March 27, 2018
*Corrected icon paradigm.
v1.1 - October 25, 2017
#Changed update system to use my own website instead of relying on AMO.
#Changed preference save location.
+Added audio file playback feature.
*Fixed SeaMonkey support.
Full list of changes since 1.0:
v2.5 - September 20, 2020
*Major code cleanup.
v2.4 - August 28, 2018
+Added Lithuanian localization.
*Updated French localization. Still need Bulgarian, German, Esperanto, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Turkish, Vietnamese, and simplified Chinese updates.
*Improved namespacing to prevent issues with ES6.
*Fixed automatic adding to the navigation toolbar on fresh install for SeaMonkey.
*Workaround for disabled AutoPlay blocking the audio file playback feature.
#Duplicated Ukrainian localization for uk-UA.
v2.3 - May 10, 2018
+Added audio playback "stop" command while playing alert audio.
v2.2 - May 6, 2018
+Added missing localizations (partial).
/Need help translating new audio file feature for the following languages:
/Bulgarian, German, Esperanto, French, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Turkish, Vietnamese and simplified Chinese
v2.1 - March 27, 2018
*Corrected icon paradigm.
v1.1 - October 25, 2017
#Changed update system to use my own website instead of relying on AMO.
#Changed preference save location.
+Added audio file playback feature.
*Fixed SeaMonkey support.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
Weergawe 1.0.1-signed.1-signed
Added SeaMonkey support.
Added PaleMoon target application entry.
Added Public Domain notice to source files.
Upped version compatibility numbers.
Added PaleMoon target application entry.
Added Public Domain notice to source files.
Upped version compatibility numbers.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
Weergawe 0.9.20101216.1-signed.1-signed
Just a version compatibility update.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
Weergawe 0.9.20100930
+Updated for Firefox 4.
+Added publish date to version number.
+Added clocales for Bulgarian, Danish, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Chinese (Traditional).
+Added publish date to version number.
+Added clocales for Bulgarian, Danish, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Korean, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Chinese (Traditional).
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
Weergawe 0.8
#Rewrote dialog entirely. Hopefully, it'll work correctly on all Operating Systems.
+Added locales for German, Dutch, Polish, Portugese (Brazilian), Russian, Serbian (Serbia), Turkish, and Chinese (Simplified). Thank you BabelZilla.org.
+Added locales for German, Dutch, Polish, Portugese (Brazilian), Russian, Serbian (Serbia), Turkish, and Chinese (Simplified). Thank you BabelZilla.org.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
Weergawe 0.7.2
#Fixed dialog for MacOSX (I hope).
#Changed tooltip style.
+Added 24x24 pixel icon set.
#Changed to a CSS-based icon system.
#Changed tooltip style.
+Added 24x24 pixel icon set.
#Changed to a CSS-based icon system.
- Bronkode vrygestel ingevolge die Eie lisensie
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