مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Very useful. I would give it five stars if the developer could reduce (or let me know how to reduce) the size of the icon in the threadpane. Thanks in advance.

PS: Thank you for your reply. It seems that there was a misunderstanding; I was inquiring about reducing the size of the icons in the threadpane. I figured it out in the end: reduce 16px to 12px in style.css. That works fine, but it would be nice to have it as an "official" option. I also agree with the previous reviewer's points 1 and 2, which don't appear to have been addressed. Thanks again.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (1.2) 

Thanks. Here's how you can use small icons: Open the list of add-ons by clicking Tools → Add-ons. Click Options in the row for Checkbox column. Clear the "Large Font" checkbox.