*cloud - FileLink for Nextcloud and ownCloud
Upload large attachments to your Cloud and send the link by email
38,400 位用户 -
SmartTemplates offers an easy and powerful way to automatically create customized replies by auto-inserting various mail headers. Templates can be created for every mail identity, Stationery files can now be imported and used directly.
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1,919 位用户
それを実現するためのアドオンです。611 位用户 -
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Usage requires an OpenAI API key. OpenAI does not offer a free usage tier. Proofreading a 4-5 paragraph email costs a fraction of a cent.1 位用户 -
Usage requires a Gemini API key. There is a free usage tier that should be more than adequate for almost every user.1 位用户 -
Skips SMIME certificates to avoid unnecessary attachments
Fügt automatisch Anhänge aus der ursprünglichen E-Mail hinzu.
Überspringt SMIME-Zertifikate, um unnötige Anhänge zu vermeiden.24 位用户 -
132 位用户
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