

名称 tedcurran
位置 Oakland, CA
职业 Instructional Designer
注册时间 April 27, 2008
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Hi Mozillions-- I am an instructional designer, web designer, and multimedia artist who loves the open web, open source, and open people.


Blog Better! - Writing Helper by Zemanta


Zemanta does a great job of recommending relevant tags, links, and images that make my blog posts richer and more informative for my readers. My favorite feature nowadays is the Related Articles-- I love how Zemanta finds other articles online on the same subject matter I write about. This helps enmesh my blog posts in larger online conversations and helps me network with like-minded bloggers who care about these topics too. I've found them valuable as a reader, too, helping me broaden my understanding of the topics I write about.
