

名称 Sailfish
注册时间 March 5, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 3 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分5星,满分5星


I am a long-time Netscape and Mozilla advocate and am honored to be accepted in both Netscape and Mozilla Champion organizations. I have both authored and resurrected many defunct add-ons over the years starting with the original Netscape Theme Contest winner, Sky Pilot, to others like Toy Factory, Mozillium, original Mozilla Modern, &c.

Outside of Mozilla, my career spanned from working in aerospace in the EWS/ECM field and then in the CAD/CAM field.


InspectorWidget 需要重开

Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.

评分5星,满分5星 (10)
7 位用户 Search

评分3星,满分5星 (1)
2 次周下载量

SM Home Button 需要重开

Navigation bar Home Button (resurrected by sailfish)

5 位用户


Go Parent Folder


It's a super extension and absolutely essential for anyone having to manage many bookmarks over many sub-folders.


Sky Pilot Classic for Firefox 3.5


This is an unauthorized port of the theme. The author simply disregarded the license contained in the original theme file:

"The original artwork may not be redistributed, or used for any other purpose without the expressed permission of the author. The original artwork is not covered by any open-source license and cannot be distributed under such license. In addition, this package may not be modified and re-released under its name at any time."

Irrespective of what the author may claim, this is an illegal use of my IP rights.

Sky Pilot Classic for Firefox 3.5


This is an unauthorized port of the theme. The author simply disregarded the license contained in the theme file:

"The original artwork may not be redistributed, or used for any other purpose without the expressed permission of the author. The original artwork is not covered by any open-source license and cannot be distributed under such license. In addition, this package may not be modified and re-released under its name at any time."

Please have this removed from AMO.