

名称 dpbrown777
注册时间 Jan. 3, 2009
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Blog Better! - Writing Helper by Zemanta


I'm new to blogging, and was excited to find an addon that would work with Blogger and WordPress. Unfortunately, it only seems to work about 20% of the time. I'm using the latest version of FF and I tried the latest version of Chrome too. Each time, it gives me an error, and an option to retry and an option to "wake up" the developers. The "wake up" consists of an email, which get returned as undeliverable. So much for support.

The other failure mode is not getting any Zemanta box in the WordPress or Blogger editors.

This type of addon has great potential. Hopefully Zemanta can improve, or other software producer can fill this niche.

Caveat emptor.
