名称 | Zenettii |
位置 | London |
注册时间 | Jan. 15, 2012 |
开发的附加组件数量 | 0 个附加组件 |
开发的附加组件平均得分 | 尚无评分 |
Adblock Edge
The ability to fork someone elses creation is free for all to do and is often encouraged if it provides viable alternatives with distinct differences and advantages to users. I'm not sure I understand the point of just forking someones work and adding nothing new or showing a clear change in direction/vision.
这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(2.0.1-signed.1-signed)。Blog Better! - Writing Helper by Zemanta
The idea is Zemanta is great, unfortunately it creates more work than it solves. when you insert an image, you then have to edit that image to remove the unwanted link, unwanted "alt" text. You then want to remove the enforced Zemanta tag (hidden or otherwise) from the bottom of your post. I've found while editing a post, the <div> tags inserted by zemanta actually got split up, causing chaotic viewing of the post.
这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。创建您自已的收藏集,您必须一个 Mozilla 附加组件账户。