
fajne tylko szkoda że to nie toolbar z osobnymi porównaniami walut

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价


I used to like dcurrency, but the ads in recent revisions made Google searches unreadable. The page constantly moves up and down as the ad changes form. I consider this addon to be malware.



I have been angry with every man and his dog the past few weeks, because my Google searches have been driving me crazy!

It turns out that it is this Dcurrency app, which causes your search results to include INCREDIBLY ANNOYING advertising.

The advertising grows and shrinks, with no option to stop it, which in turn causes the page to shift up and down, up and down, up and down, so that you either barf from sea-sickness, or end-up smashing the monitor against the wall because you always click on a link for a bizarre fetish website or Alcoholics Anonomous, rather than your local football team's homepage!


P.S. I'd just like to note I'm not a fetishist, nor an alcoholic ;O)



Used to love this app and use it all the time, but their advertising made Google searching a nightmare, so I had to remove it after years of using it. I'd return to this app only once this advertising gimmick is removed. I understand that funding may be needed to support this app. Perhaps, you can create a "free" and "paying" version. The paying version can have more features. I'd pay for a paying version of this application because I've been using it for so long and have been happy with it; and also this way I can support the developers. Please think about it. Otherwise, I have a feeling that you'll be loosing lots of customers.



I used this addon for a while but now add very instrusive ads. Removing.



I used to love this add-on. I have used it for years, many times a day.
Now that I have found that it is responsible for the agressive ads on google-search, I just removed it !
Too bad ! Such a waste of a great helper !



Great addon, but remove the damn ads permanently! I have to disable them every time after i clear my cache.



You get 2 stars for trying to explain why the behaviour changed, but only for trying. I deducted on more because your explanation is in French, switching to German or English has no effect in my browser (FF19.0. Win7 x86_64). Even though I understand the message, this is no proper way of communicating changes that affect users this heavily.

Changing your addon in this way was not smart, go choke on your adds.



With no warning, an update suddenly provided ads on Google Search that even Adblock Plus can't filter out. Everytime you scroll down the page the position will change since the picture ad won't stop disappearing and reappearing. This is a bad way to gain fan loyalty.


You can get rid of this ads easily clicking on the word "Dcurrency" in the ads. It opens a page where it is explained.


The stupid ads were really bothering me! I have totally removed this add-on.



They need to get rid of the ads. Nobody wants them.
Now I don't want dcurrency either.



I L.O.V.E. this addon but could not live with the ads so I reverted back to version 0.4.2 to avoid them. I understand the need for revenues but these ads are too intrusive (on top of google search results). The author needs to find a way to display ads on the side for instance instead.



now trying simple currency converter.



WAS a good addon.. unti:

...until the auto update downloaded the last version and it started reading and store my data (websites, etc...) ouch!

It modifies your wikipedia and googles inquiries with ads "especially made for you".

Just deleted from my firefox! ouch...!

Was too good to be true, now it it TOO SAD but true... :(



Intrusive Ads inserted in google search is quite irritating.
The ads are replaced each time when I click a link,
so the search result moves up and down.

Finally, I delete this add on.




This module reads and store entered data.
Modifies your googles inquiries with ads especially made for you.

Delete this module or modify his ff-overlay.js file (delete from ligne 28 to the end) to get rid of it. Then disable auto-update or change the file each times it updates.



J'ai remarqué il y a un mois que cet add-on insérait de la publicité sur les sites web, dont wikipédia. Après avoir écrit un article à ce sujet (<a href="http://blog.creasion.ch/?p=1405">http://blog.creasion.ch/?p=1405</a>), les développeur d'Alter-Net m'ont contacté et ont été d'accord de changer leur politique et de retirer la publicité de Wikipédia. J'ai aussi contacté Mozilla et Wikipédia suisse. Si les réponses vous intéressent, veuillez vous référer à l'article de mon blog !
Je mets donc 4 étoiles, car la discussion a été très constructive et les développeurs ont été sensibles à l'avis d'un utilisateur !



Should have a clear description: where, which ADS it will show
On the addon description, before user actually decides to install it



Started injecting ads. Seriously lame. Removed with prejudice.



This add-on displays advertising on Wikipedia (and maybe other websites). This "function" is not documented and not included in the description of the add-on.
Displaying ads without consent of users qualifies this addon as MALWARE.
Answer to Didier Lafleur (Developer): sorry, but advertising should not only be mentioned in the privacy policy, but also in the add-on description.


This "function" is documented in Privacy policy. You can down grade to v0.4.2. or de-activate for some site clicking on the "i".