Mongu Rice


名称 Mongu Rice
位置 Lusaka, Zambia
注册时间 Nov. 5, 2011
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分




This add-on is so good that I have uninstalled all the other browsers I had on my computer because it turns each Firefox window into an independent browser of its own while keeping all my bookmarks and settings intact. It has made my dream of using one browser for everything come true. It’s what I've been looking for all my life and I finally found it this year (October 2014) when I was going through the Firefox Add-ons facebook page where it had been featured as the February Pick-of-the-Month. It enables me to log into my 3 different facebook and Google accounts at the same time without any conflict, something which cannot be achieved without this add-on, meaning before I discovered it, I always had three different browsers running at the same time. So no more switching from one browser to another, I’m now a full time Firefox user thanks to this amazing add-on.




This app is responsible for my huge collection of photos.
Saves me a lot of time as it downloads everything at once and fast.
What an amazing add-on. I love it very much.