

名稱 Falanges
加入日期 Jan. 12, 2011
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分


Stylish Tools

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

A recent (July 14, 2015) reviewer at the Mozilla download webpage for the Stylish add-on criticizes the Firefox version of Stylish saying that, "Shockingly, this extension [Stylish] does not support per-url filtering. The [Google browser] Chrome version of Stylish includes in the editor a URL filter including regexp that allows each style to be applied to only specific sites."

Yet, as indicated in the Stylish Tools add-on description, specifically under "#3 - Write Style for (this URL, etc.)", this criticism is corrected by Stylish Tools, when used together with the Stylish add-on version for Firefox.

I have not yet confirmed this by using Stylish Tools myself (and won't be able to for at least another month or so). Still it is worth pointing out this indicated improvement immediately because it is NOT emphasized in the author's description strongly enough and it really should be.

Edit Bookmark Plus

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Today’s PC users create more bookmarks than ever: long lists and folders and sub-folders full of them, but Mozilla hasn’t kept up. As great as Firefox truly is (with extensions: the best!), its bookmark creation function has the same old choke point it and its competition have had since day one: FILING.

Specifically, the Firefox bookmark creation & filing function uses a window so small that its user's view through it at any particular moment is limited to just a portion of their bookmark collection. In other words, Firefox forces users to scroll their bookmark directories up and down and side to side through this little window, searching narrowly until they get to the spot where they want to file their new bookmarks. Often users (like me) just file their new bookmarks in a temp folder instead. They delay final filing decisions until later when an easier, secondary and larger Firefox "Show All Bookmarks" window can be used, but that’s just plain counter-productive.

Edit Bookmark Plus remedies this by enabling the user to permanently enlarge the Firefox bookmark creation & filing window (nearly as large as the monitor’s screen if so desired) thereby providing a truly great view of their bookmarks from a tall root list to extensively wide sub-folder levels. The outcome is users deciding quickly and comprehensively from the “get-go” where best to file their bookmarks at the very moment they’re creating them.

For those of us who collect and organize a lot of bookmarks this is an excellently helpful extension! At this point I only wonder if it’s the first of its kind among all browsers. If so, it deserves extra credit. Thank you very much Kashif Iqbal Khan for your extension. BTW, I use this extension with Firefox 10 and the Firefox default theme.

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Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Hide Titlebar does not allow tab restoration (such as within the FireFox program or via other add-ons such as Tab Saver or Session Manager), but the add-on Tiny Menu 1.2 does and it also hides the title bar very well. --Falanges--

此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 5 筆評論

Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Hide Titlebar does not allow tab restoration (such as within the FireFox program or via other add-ons such as Tab Saver or Session Manager), but Tiny Menu 1.2 does and it also hides the title bar very well. --Falanges--


Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

UPDATE- regarding my Jan.12th review, the tab restore function within the add-on Tab Mix Plus has stopped working alongside Hide Titlebar 1.3 within FF 3.6.13 Fortunately, I've since found that the add-on Session Manager does work with H.T. 1.3 Specifically, S.M.'s restore function operates well. I can't explain why Tab Mix Plus stopped working, but am hopeful that Session Manager will continue to. --Falanges--


Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

UPDATE- regarding my Jan. 12th reviiw, the tab restore function within the add-on Tab Mix Plus has stopped working alongside Hide Titlebar 1.3 Fortunately, I've since found that the add-on Session Manager does work with H.T. 1.3 Specifically, its restore function operates well. I can't explain why Tab Mix Plus stopped working, but am hopeful that Session Manager will continue to. --Falanges--


Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

UPDATE- regarding my Jan. 12th review (above), the tab restore function within the add-on Tab Mix Plus has stopped working alongside Hide Titlebar 1.3 Fortunately, I've since found that the add-on Session Manager does work alongside H.T. 1.3 --Specifically, its restore function does operate well. I can't explain why Tab Mix Plus stopped working, but am hopeful that Session Manager will continue to. --Falanges--


Hide Titlebar 隱藏標題列

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

I use FF 3.6.13 with Hide Titlebar 1.3 and Tab Mix Plus with NO crashes and YES with a browser tab restore function by using the Tab Mix Plus restore function instead of the Firefox restore function. I've tested it repeatedly and it works around the prior serious limitation of that Hide Titlebar had until this work around and with more restore functionality via Tab Mix Plus. Enjoy! --Falanges--