評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Sucks on successive FF-starts!

This Splash is nice on the first start, because it gives a feedback when ff is loading the first time. But
on the second start libs and binaries are cached in RAM and the the Splash!-Screen DELAYS the startup!!!

To fix this behavior:

1) go to defaults/preferences/splash.js
and set "closeWithMainWindow=true;"

2) this part must be re-enabled in the code to:
then goto line 110/102 and remove the "//"-Comments.

That's it.... now the startup is AFAP!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Sucks on successive FF-starts!

This Splash is nice on the first start, because it gives a feedback when ff is loading the first time. But
on the second start libs and binaries are cached in RAM and the the Splash!-Screen DELAYS the startup!!!

To fix this behavior:

1) go to defaults/preferences/splash.js
and set "closeWithMainWindow=true;"

2) this part must be re-enabled in the code to:
then goto line 110/102 and remove the "//"-Comments.

That's it.... now the startup is AFAP!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Sucks on successive FF-starts!

This Splash is nice on the first start, because it gives a feedback when ff is loading the first time. But
on the second start libs and binaries are cached in RAM and the the Splash!-Screen DELAYS the startup!!!

To fix this behavior:

1) go to defaults/preferences/splash.js
and set "closeWithMainWindow=true;"

2) this part must be re-enabled in the code to:
then goto line 110/102 and remove the "//"-Comments.

That's it.... now the startup is AFAP!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Sucks on successive FF-starts!

This Splash is nice on the first start, because it gives a feedback when ff is loading the first time. But
on the second start libs and binaries are cached in RAM and the the Splash!-Screen DELAYS the startup!!!

To fix this behavior:

1) go to defaults/preferences/splash.js
and set "closeWithMainWindow=true;"

2) this part must be re-enabled in the code to:
then goto line 110/102 and remove the "//"-Comments.

That's it.... now the startup is AFAP!

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

Il est évident qu'il faut désactiver le splash d'origine :

Copie le fichier :

vers :

( x est a remplacé par la lettre du lecteur de la framakey)

Edite cette copie et change :

par :

Et le tour est joué

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

Great just... doesn't let me restart. (closes but doesn't reopen, just a non responding process). What's the point in firefox if i can't restart?

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

Works phenomenally.However, when making your own splash screen, transparencies don't work; it just shows up white.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星


評分: 5 / 5 顆星

You must get this!! It's more customizable than any other addon!!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Works great in Ubuntu.A must Have.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

please fix it, when i run firefox from start->run...
i see error.

評分: 2 / 5 顆星

Now that add-on not working as it should !!! There is no transparent bg... :( Maybe some kind of help with that ?

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Very goo! One of the best Firefox addons!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

In my opinion this should be integrated. Firefox has a longer loading time, so it should have a SPLASH screen.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

I really like this add-on, but can you think about making it so if you open an html file you don't get an error message before it loads? Other than that it's perfect!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

one of the best Firefox addon

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Tolle funktion

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Transparence background is not working...

But i still like it...

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

This is fantastic!
Love how you made it so customizable. I sometimes restart firefox just to see my splash XD

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

hi there,

thanks for the coll thing!

is there a way to show which profile is loaded?

would be very much apprecieated!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。