Check and Send 版本記錄

版本: 50



版本 0.9.20 44.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 3.0b2 - 3.1.*

Added: Thunderbird3.1 support
Fixed: Ignore quoted text option is not work
Fixed: Change homepage URL

版本 0.9 42.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 3.0b2 - 3.1.*

Fixed: Support Thunderbird3
Added: Attachment file size checking

版本 0.8.30 43.0 KiB 相容於 SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.1.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: cannot send to mail lists if "Remove recipient names" option is enabled
Added: es-ES and ru-RU locales

版本 0.8.10 41.0 KiB 相容於 SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.1.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

* Added: check a recipient name
* Added: check a message subject in attachment/word checking
* Added: file extensions of attachments is checked
* Added: nagated condition is allowed for attachment/word checking

版本 0.7.50 42.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: recipients checking by sender domain sometimes fails
Fixed: recipients are popuped despite the recipients checking is disabled
Added: pt-BR locale is added

版本 0.7.40 31.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Added: add "Select All" and "Clear Selection" buttons to the alert dialog of address check
Fixed: check for a list contain accentuated characters in its name does not work
Added: update locales and de-DE locale is newly added

版本 0.7.30 28.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: Could not specify types of recipients to be checked

版本 0.7.21 28.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: update slovak locale

版本 0.7.20 28.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: failed to read an integer preference
Added: add locales: it-IT, fr-FR, nl-NL, and sk-SK
Added: does not check words in a signature on words/attachments checking

版本 0.7.11 20.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: mispackaging in locale

版本 0.7.10 20.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Added: level of a domain can be specified on recipients checking
Added: you can setup options per identity
Added: option to check recipients only when attachments/words checkings fail is added
Added: you can remove addresses from recipients by the alert
Added: alert if specified recipient types are blank
Added: Seamonkey support
Fixed: remove unnecessary code from the setting dialog
Fixed: avoid contensions with other extensions

版本 0.6.40 12.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: "Recipients Checking by Sender Informaton" does not work if the sender's name includes ","
Fixed: Correct en-US strings in the option dialog
Fixed: Reduce package size

版本 0.6.30 15.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed: Keywords for the attachment and word checking were not editable

版本 0.6.20 15.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Added: Option for popuping all recipients before sending
Added: Disable the options which are not used in the current settings
Fixed: A string was not localized

版本 0.6.10 15.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

Add: Search words in case-sensitive manner
Add: Regular Expression can be used for word/attachments check
Add: Recipients checking based on address book
Add: Improve confirmation popup
Add: Subject is highlight when subject includes errors
Fix: Cursor was disapper when hilights of words was removed
Fix: Title for word checking popup was wrong

版本 0.5.10 10.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0.0.*

* check subject, too
* check when you click send later

版本 0.4 9.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0b1

* Invoke functionality by Ctrl-Enter, too
* The last confirmation window can be disabled (see option dialog)
* Support Thunderbird 2.0b1

版本 0.3.10 9.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 2.0a1

* Check words before sending the message: attachment checking and NG word checking
* Add ja-JP locale

版本 0.2.10 2.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 1.5.0.*

* Support Thunderbird

版本 0.2 2.0 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 1.0 - 1.5