

名称 Teester
主页 http://vcssupport.blogspot.com
注册时间 March 5, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 5 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分4星,满分5星


.vcs Support 需要重开

Import and export calendar files in vCalendar (.vcs) format

评分3星,满分5星 (18)
19 位用户

Evolution Mirror 需要重开

Mirrors calendars to Evolution Database Server to allow them to be viewed through the gnome clock applet

评分4星,满分5星 (46)
1 位用户

Timeline 需要重开

A Timeline calendar view

评分4星,满分5星 (34)
5 位用户

Purge Events 需要重开

Purge events from Sunbird and Lightning calendars

评分2星,满分5星 (7)
0 位用户

Right Click Watch Ignore 需要重开

Adds "Watch Thread" and "Ignore Thread" to right click context menu in Thunderbird and Seamonkey.

评分3星,满分5星 (6)
2 位用户


Restart Thunderbird


This addon has been an incredible time saver in my development of Thunderbird extensions. It appears to work fine in the latest betas of Thunderbird (up to 3.0b2 at least) if you manually alter the install.rdf.


Export Calendar To Text


The extension works pretty well. It outputs the text files accurately according to the templates. (which are quite easy to prepare). Tests were done with various calendars containing a mixture of recurrences, alarms and various amounts of other data. The only major problem was the inability to exclude the text associated with a value if the value was blank in the event.

e.g if there is no category set, you still get "and the category is" outputted, with nothing after it.

It would also be nice to be able to specify headers and footers for the outputted file.

I didn't come across any major bugs while testing.
