

名稱 Mickey2915
地點 Cleveland, OH
職業 Retired Financial Analyst
加入日期 Feb. 16, 2008
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分


I'm a 63 year old spinal fusion, and throat cancer survivor. I am and have been a pacifist all of my life. I lived as a transgendered female for over 30 years, until my beloved wife, Aileen Terra died of liver cancer in 2010. When I then reverted back to living as a male. Now, I'm just an old man, well sort of. In the world, trying to find my way home to my daring Aileen. Believing, that somehow, some way, I will do just that. Finally find my way home.



評分: 1 / 5 顆星

it's a nice idea, but when I used this add on it totally crashed my FF 3.5. And then continued to force FF 3.5 to reopen about 5 times until I used Task Manager to kill the program. Once I uninstalled it, it worked fine. But I TRULY do not think that this add on should be listed as working with FF 3.5 when it clearly DOES NOT.