

名稱 Peter
地點 Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA
職業 Unix System Admin (Learning iOS development)
加入日期 April 11, 2015
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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AutoPager Fixed

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

I resolved my problem. My about:addons page contained 2 copies of "AP-fixed to" in it.

I disabled the one that said: "AutoPager is a Firefox/Mozilla/Chrome/Opera/Safari/Fennec extension to autoload the next page(s) when you scroll pages."

And left the one that said: "AutoPager Fixed is a fixed version of AutoPager extension for Firefox 36+ (non-E10s mode) to autoload the next page(s) when you scroll pages."

I haven't made any changes to FireFox in years, so it must have been something Mozilla did. Plus, version 38.0.5 is not accessible to the users yet.

Thank you for your very prompt reply! I truly appreciate your effort & time!!!

此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 1 筆評論


評分: 5 / 5 顆星

I absolutely LOVE the Autopager plugin for the past 3 years. I can't live/surf without it!

It was working this afternoon, but now it's not. I'm using FireFox 38.0.1 on my Mac Mavericks. Can someone please fix AP again?

Thank you!!!

此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 1 筆評論

AutoPager Fixed

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

I absolutely LOVE the Autopager-Fixed plugin, since I started to use the original AP plugin about 3 years ago. I can't live/surf without it! AP is a God's send!
It was working this afternoon, but now it's not. I'm using FireFox 38.0.1 on my Mac Mavericks and I see the about:addons page was last updated today (or maybe that was with regard to the comments last posted). Can someone please fix AP again? I wish I knew how to fix it myself (sigh). I'm trying to learn XPath, etc.
Thank you!!!


評分: 5 / 5 顆星

To get the new version working, you need to disable the original AutoPager add-on and then install the new version at:

It's a truly wonderful & completely useful add-on, in which I can't live without! AutoPager should receive more than 5 stars. I would love to know how it works and/or support & work with the developer. I hope the developer will contact me.

Thank you, again, for fixing this priceless add-on!