

名稱 keepsitreal
加入日期 Nov. 18, 2013
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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Keyword Search

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

3 stars cause it's an important feature and in-case I'm missing something it does better than FF already does with keyword searching. But honestly I'm sick of so many extensions that just create a task bar button for an action FF already does, unless of course it makes it soooo much easier, which this does not. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

For those that don't know. If you already have the search engine you want available click search bar arrow>manage...>add keyword to this search (ie. go for Google)>type go searchforthis in address bar. For searches within a particular site, go to site>right click the site's search bar>add keyword for this search>and so on.

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Startpage HTTPS Privacy Search Engine

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

Not much to say outside what's already been said other than my favorite part, other than the security aspect, is the ability to customize your result pages so much, especially being able to change default of 10 results per page to 20-50-100...100!! In response to rwizard and IMD4U, as far as I understood from reading Ipsquailetch's(?) (Startpage's) info was that the difference is that the former uses multiple search engines while Startpage uses google. For whatever its worth. Anyway kiddos, Ilike it, it's my favorite anonymous search provider. 4 stars cause it's ugly.

Speed Dial

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Super clean, simple, and intuitive, must have add on. Don't waste your time testing more complicated cluttered up wannabees, like I did. Put a little time into making every page you go to with any frequency at all as simple as pushin two buttons. One of few add-ons that seem to base it's functionality on simple logic over over complicating things with a mess of nonsensical clutter. Doesn't try to do too much, just does what it says seamlessly.
EDITT sorry read older reviews after mine. Please do not add all those superficial useless features some are complaining about. This program stands out above many others, that have way more features, because it is so simple yet complete. For reasons of length I won't go into detail, but need to say to those that mentioned actually useful functions you'd like to see. From what I saw almost every one of those things can be done. Read the tutorial, and don't over think it. Try the easy way first. . Definitely chppin into your x-mas (or holiday) fund. Thanks guys.

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