

名稱 Innomen
加入日期 Feb. 13, 2009
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分


AutoPager Fixed

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

(Gotta love how I can't reply to a reply without editing my original review. /smh)

Just as dead and broken as the original.

And no tutorials left anywhere that Google can find.

Dev reply:
by wOxxOm (Developer) on August 19, 2015 · permalink ·
No. You probably haven't disabled the original addon.

My Reply:
I didn't even have the original installed, and none of the help links work.

Save to G. Drive

評分: 2 / 5 顆星

Doesn't appear to work on images therefor useless to me :/

此意見為舊版本 (1.1) 的附加元件。