Neil Smithline


名称 Neil Smithline
注册时间 March 5, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Computers are tools and should make your life easier.

As such, I like simple add-ons that I find are helpful and I can understand.

I love restartless add-ons. +1 star for being restartless. I'm now (26 Nov 20111) going to be subtracting 1 star for simple add-ons that are not restartless.


No More Install Delay


This add-on's sole purpose is to disable a security fix. That being said, I hate the stinkin' delay and missed MR TECH's add-on when I moved to FF5.

So I thank you for the add-on. Recommend everyone to never use this add-on as it introduces a security problem. And I give the add-on 5 stars because it just does what it does without a problem.

If I could, I'd give it six stars, the extra star for being a restartless add-on.




It just works. Combined with PermaTab Mod you can read in a all the results from a giant search and keep them around while you search through them.
