Izzy .


名称 Izzy .
注册时间 May 30, 2008
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分




I tried GoogleFx - but replaced it with this addon (GFX messed up the pages too much). Now finally without the Google Ads - great!



Great - another one that should be in the browser by default!

Btw: How about deleting expired cookies as well? While cleaning up the mess I found a lot of them expired for at least month. Guess that's a side-effect of session saving as well...



First: It's a great idea using the sidebar for this - best place ever! And the reference is very good. However, I only gave it 3 stars since I miss some (for me) essential options - maybe you could integrate some of these ideas:

* an option to open links in a new tab
* a search box, dynamically restricting the list to entries where a substring matches the input

These two options would make up another star. A 5th star I would give if the entries would be grouped into sections in all "packages", e.g. with PHP these could be functions for math, strings, arrays, mail, etc.

And once that is there: How about giving users the possibility to create own "reference books" by using either XML or SQLite storage?

Show Chromeless


Need to update my lasst post: Thanks to the Keyconfig extension (to be found on http://www.erweiterungen.de/detail/keyconfig), conflicts with other extensions using this key can be solved - so I give it one star up, it's relly great for giving privacy when making screenshots :-)

Show Chromeless


Pretty nice idea - but since the hotkey is hardcoded (and conflicting e.g. with the All-in-One Sidebar), and no context or other menu item exists, I cannot tell if it works... I'd suggest to at least add some menu entry and/or make the hotkey configurable.

HostIP.info Geolocation Plugin


Good stuff. All I miss is a little statusbar icon to temporarily switch its display off - in some situations it can get nasty ;)
