

名称 gavnone
注册时间 Aug. 31, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分




I installed CensureBlock and, to my surprise, the next time I tried to load the website where I buy some of my clothes (it's certainly not a pornagraphic site) I was told that the website had been blocked - really?!

You're blocking a clothing store website?!

Wizz RSS News Reader Lite


I downloaded this extension because I was looking for a replacement for Sage Too - It has now been 2 hours since I first installed Wizz RSS, and I am still unable to get it to work correctly. I am at a complete loss as to why my feeds continue to disappear upon my closing/reopening Firefox. I have checked both the Wizz RSS help files as well as the Wizz RSS forums, yet that proved to be an exercise in futility. Finally, after spending 2 hours on this and getting absolutely nowhere, my patience with this extension has been exhausted. I will be uninstalling it and going back to Sage Too, which worked perfectly for me, and will not be using Wizz RSS in the future. This has been quite a frustrating experience!
