
名称 DS
注册时间 July 6, 2008
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Get All Mail Button


Here are instructions to make Get All Mail Button work with TB 68. . .


1. Download the version hosted on the author's site, since it's very slightly newer at v0.3 than the ancient v0.1 hosted here. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, create the file "manifest.json" in a text editor and populate as follows (first bracket to last bracket):

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Get All Mail Button Thunderbird",
"description": "Adds a toolbar button to Get All Mail Accounts in Thunderbird.",
"version": "0.3",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "{0D4D76B0-657A-41b0-B3ED-60C638F4D97D}",
"strict_min_version": "68.0"
"author": "Mark S Baines",
"homepage_url": "http://www.linnhe.net/thunderbird/extensions.html",
"icons": {
"32": "chrome/skin/icon.png"
"legacy": {
"type": "xul"

3. Save the file. Note that the JSON syntax is *very* finicky, and so much as one misplaced punctuation mark may cause the addon not to load. Copy and overwrite this addon's info over a manifest from a working TB 68 addon if you run into trouble. (Note: this is a single-language manifest, since the original addon was not localized.)

4. Open "chrome.manifest" from the root folder in a text editor. Search and replace the following string (NOTE: -'s and +'s are for illustration only):
- style style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://getallmailbutton/skin/getallmailbutton.css
+ style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://getallmailbutton/skin/getallmailbutton.css appversion<59.0a1
+ chrome://messenger/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://getallmailbutton/skin/getallmailbutton.css appversion>=59.0a1

5. Save file.

6. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

7. Install in TB 68.


Works perfectly on casual tests, and does not trigger any Error Console output. Note that most of this author's simple button addons here and on his external website should be easily modifiable for TB 68 using this same method.


Mark All Read Button


Here are instructions to make this addon work with TB 68. . .


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, create the file "manifest.json" in a text editor and populate as follows (first bracket to last bracket):

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Mark All Read Button",
"description": "Adds toolbar buttons to mark all emails or threads as read.",
"version": "0.7.2",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "{DA506923-55C4-4fbe-9E4C-D24B80D7DE9F}",
"strict_min_version": "68.0"
"author": "Mark S Baines",
"homepage_url": "http://www.linnhe.net/thunderbird/extensions.html",
"icons": {
"32": "chrome/skin/icon.png"
"legacy": {
"type": "xul"

3. Save the file. Note that the JSON syntax is *very* finicky, and so much as one misplaced punctuation mark may cause the addon not to load. Copy and overwrite this addon's info over a manifest from a working TB 68 addon if you run into trouble. (Note: this is a single-language manifest, since the original addon was not localized.)

4. Open "chrome.manifest" from the root folder in a text editor. Search and replace the following string (NOTE: -'s and +'s are for illustration only):
- style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://markallreadbutton/skin/markallreadbutton.css
+ style chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://markallreadbutton/skin/markallreadbutton.css appversion<59.0a1
+ style chrome://messenger/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://markallreadbutton/skin/markallreadbutton.css appversion>=59.0a1

5. Save file.

6. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

7. Install in TB 68.


On casual test works like it always did, without triggering the Error Console. Note that most of this author's simple button addons hosted here and on his external website should be easily modifiable for TB 68 using this same method.


Select Address Book Text


Addon still works perfectly in TB 68 if you're willing to do moderate editing to the files. Instructions here. . .


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, create "manifest.json" in a text editor and populate as follows (first bracket to last bracket):

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Select Addressbook Text",
"description": "Copy and paste a name, phone number, address or other text from your Thunderbird address book quickly, with just a single menu click.",
"version": "1.5",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "[email protected]",
"strict_min_version": "68.0"
"author": "Craig B. Markwardt",
"legacy": {
"type": "xul"

3. Save the file. Note that the JSON syntax is *very* finicky, and so much as one missing punctuation mark may cause the addon not to load. Copy and overwrite this addon's info over a manifest from a working TB 68 addon if you run into trouble. (Note also: this is a quick-and-dirty single language manifest; they can easily be localized per the TB Addon Developer website.)

4. Unzip "select_addressbook_text.jar" from the "../chrome" subfolder using 7-zip or another extractor.

4. Open "overlay.js" file in the "../content/" subfolder of the extracted .JAR archive with a text editor. Search and replace the following string (NOTE: preceding -'s and +'s are for illustration only):
- strbundle = document.getElementById("sab_address_strings");
+ let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://select_addressbook_text/locale/address.properties");
+ let strings = bundle.GetStringFromName("sab_address_strings");

5. Save file.

6. Open "overlay.xul" in the "../content/" subfolder of the extracted .JAR archive with a text editor. Search and replace the following strings (x2):
- type="application/x-javascript"
+ type="application/javascript"

7. In "overlay.xul", delete or comment out the following lines:
- <stringbundleset id="sab_address_stringbundleset">
- <stringbundle id="sab_address_strings" src="chrome://select_addressbook_text/locale/address.properties"/>
- </stringbundleset>

8. Save file.

9. ZIP up all files from the extracted .JAR archive, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .jar, and rename file "select_addressbook_text.jar". Replace original .JAR of same name.

10. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

11. Install in TB 68.


Casual tests show it working flawlessly.


MarkSubfolders New


This extremely useful addon lives to fight another day in TB 68 if you are willing to do some moderate editing. Here's how. . .


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, create "manifest.json" in a text editor and populate as follows (first bracket to last bracket):

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "MarkSubfolders New",
"description": "The menu 'Mark SubFolders Read' is added within the folder context-menu.",
"version": "1.0.3",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "{25d7aa80-9f4b-11e1-a8b0-0800200c9a66}",
"strict_min_version": "60.0"
"author": "H.Yasuda / M. Richter",
"homepage_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/thunderbird/addon/4971/",
"icons": {
"32": "skin/icon32x32.png"
"legacy": {
"type": "xul"

3. Save the file. Note that the JSON syntax is *very* finicky, and so much as one missing punctuation mark may cause the addon not to load. Copy and overwrite this addon's info over a manifest from a working TB 68 addon if you run into trouble. (Note also: this is a quick-and-dirty single language manifest; they can easily be localized per the TB Addon Developer website.)

4. Open "chrome.manifest" from the root folder in a text editor. Search and replace the following string (NOTE: -'s and +'s are for illustration only):
- overlay chrome://messenger/content/mailWindowOverlay.xul
+ overlay chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul

5. Save file.

6. Open "markAllReadSubfolders.xul" in "../chrome/content/" subfolder in a text editor. Search and replace the following string:
- type="application/x-javascript"
+ type="application/javascript"

7. Save file.

8. Open "markAllReadSubfolders.js" in "../chrome/content/" subfolder in a text editor. Search and replace the following string:
- gMarkSubfolders.folderFlagsVirtual = nsMsgFolderFlags.Virtual;
+ gMarkSubfolders.folderFlagsVirtual = Components.interfaces.nsMsgFolderFlags.Virtual;

9. Save file.

10. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

11. Install in TB 68.


Works perfectly on casual test, and error console stays quiet.


Toolbar Buttons


This is a somewhat time-consuming patch, but I've managed to Toolbar Buttons working in TB 60.

Tested on Toolbar Buttons Nightly with Thunderbird 60.7.2 x64 on Windows.

1. Go to the Add-on home page link at right.

2. On the site's toolbar, hover over "Toolbar Buttons" and select "Custom Button Sets".

3. At top of page select locale and applications (OK to select all apps). At bottom of page select preferred settings, icon sizes, update stream. (NOTE: Tested with "Nightly" stream, "Standard" icons, and all options deselected except for "Offer for download instead of installing".)

4. Select all buttons EXCEPT for "Menu". Or, select custom set of what you need, so long as it doesn't contain the lone "Menu" button.

5. Click Download button and save .xpi file.

6. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

7. In extracted root folder, go to "chrome" folder, then go to "content" subfolder inside of "chrome". Open "messenger-options.xul" file in text editor.

8. Search for line (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?>"

9. Add new line underneath (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://messenger/skin/preferences/preferences.css" type="text/css"?>"

10. Save file.

11. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

12. Install in TB 60.

-- Icons do not seem to appear for any of the addon's buttons in the Customize Toolbar window, but they do appear correctly when moved to toolbars. (Easy linking fix in the code???)

-- Depending on system or other addons that touch icons (e.g. CustomizeMyBird), possible visual/sizing glitches on the toolbars (looks pretty good on my own system).

-- Some isolated individual buttons may not work anymore due to changes in TB code, but vast majority work fine. (e.g. "about:about" now asks for an outside browser to view pages; "Add-on Preferences" now seems to be mostly non-functional due to code changes for new "Tools" menu "Add-on Options" item.)

-- Edits to "messenger-options.xul" fixes the Options window to work correctly in TB 60. Otherwise the Options will freeze all other Thunderbird tabs and settings won't stick. Including the "Menu" button in the pack causes all toolbar buttons from the addon to vanish and leaves the Options tabs unpopulated.

-- Unclear why the lone "Menu" button in the pack is the one causing so much trouble. A fix for that button's code would make the complete addon d/l work with the above edits, but without the need to do the time-consuming clicking on the "Custom Button Sets" site.
Those using Waterfox 56 or Basilisk who want full browser support can make the following additional edits. . .

1. Do all of above in Part I, making sure to OMIT the "Menu" button from the custom set.

2. Do #6 in Part II, then open "install.rdf" from the root folder in a text editor.

3. Search for the line (no end quotes): "<!-- Pale Moon -->". Copy the entire associated "targetapplication" string to a new set of lines.

4. Make the 2 following changes to that copied string: (1) "em:maxVersion" to "*" (no quotes around asterisk. (2) "em:id" to "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}" (no quotes).

5. Save file.

6. Open "chrome.manifest" from the root folder in a text editor.

7. Search for the string "/content/browser-options.xul" (no quotes) on a line that starts with "override". Copy that ENTIRE LINE to the next line. (NOTE: the alphanumeric string that appears after "chrome://toolbar-button-" throughout the file is a unique ID populated by the Custom Button Sets maker. Make sure you do not change this, and that all such ID's in the file match.)

8. On the copied line, search for "application=" (no quotes) and change the GUID to "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}" (no quotes). (This edit is what makes the addon compatible with FF56-derived, non-Pale Moon browsers again.)

9. Save file.

10 (OPTIONAL). Make all other Thunderbird-specific edits in Part II #7-10, or omit if only using addon in a browser.

11. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

12. Install in Waterfox, Basilisk, Thunderbird, Pale Moon, SeaMonkey, etc.



Addon no longer needed as functionality to reorder attachments is now built in to Thunderbird 60.

TB 60, Method #1: In Compose window, use drag-and-drop on Attachments pane.

TB 60, Method #2: In Compose window, right click on Attachments pane, select "Reorder Attachments", use popup menu buttons.


For TB 52 and prior, OrderAtt was one of the most useful addons I've ever used. Most deserving congratulations to the addon author for creating something so indispensable the Thunderbird team saw fit to make it core functionality!

Address Close Button


Addon no longer needed, as the address close button is now a built-in feature for TB 60.

Copy Plain Text 2


This addon can be made to work with TB 60 with some editing.

Tested on TB 60.7.2 x64 on Windows 10 with Copy Plain Text 2, Version 1.6. Addon fully functional after doing the following edits.


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, open "install.rdf" file in a text editor.

3. Search for "<!-- Thunderbird -->" string, then the "<em:maxVersion>" string underneath it. Change the version number to "60.*" (no quotes).

4. Save file.

5. Go to "chrome" folder, then go to "content" subfolder inside of "chrome". Open "options.xul" file in text editor.

6. Search for line (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>"

7. Add new line underneath (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://messenger/skin/preferences/preferences.css" type="text/css"?>"

8. Save file.

9. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

10. Install in TB 60.


Notes: The edit to "options.xul" makes the Options window work again. Without that particular edit the addon will load via setting "extensions.strictCompatibility" to "false" in about:config or by bumping the maxVersion alone...but the Options window freezes all other Thunderbird tabs when opened and the settings in the Options window won't stick.



This addon is fully functional in TB 60 by bumping the maxVersion or setting "extensions.strictCompatibility" to "false" in about:config.

To change the maxVersion, follow these instructions:


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, open "install.rdf" file in a text editor.

3. Search for "<em:maxVersion>" string, and change the version number to "60.*" (no quotes).

4. Save file.

5. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

6. Install in TB 60.


Select Address Book Text


This addon is fully functional in TB 60 by bumping the maxVersion or setting "extensions.strictCompatibility" to "false" in about:config.

To change the maxVersion, follow these instructions:


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, open "install.rdf" file in a text editor.

3. Search for "<em:maxVersion>" string, and change the version number to "60.*" (no quotes).

4. Save file.

5. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

6. Install in TB 60.




This addon can be made to work with TB 60 with some editing.

Tested on TB 60.7.2 x64 on Windows 10 with AddressBookTab 1.5. Addon fully functional after doing the following edits.


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, open "install.rdf" file in a text editor.

3. Search for "<em:maxVersion>" string, and change the version number to "60.*" (no quotes).

4. Save file.

5. Go to "chrome" folder, then go to "content" subfolder inside of "chrome". Open "AddressBookTab-options.xul" file in text editor.

6. Search for line (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>"

7. Add new line underneath (no end quotes): "<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://messenger/skin/preferences/preferences.css" type="text/css"?>"

8. Save file.

9. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

10. Install in TB 60.


Notes: The edit to "AddressBookTab-options.xul" makes the Options window work again. Without that particular edit the addon will load via setting "extensions.strictCompatibility" to "false" in about:config or by bumping the maxVersion alone, and the icon will work...but the Options window freezes all other Thunderbird tabs when opened and the settings in the Options window won't stick.