Richard Rives


名称 Richard Rives
位置 san antonio, tx
职业 Photographer
注册时间 Aug. 12, 2013
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Portrait photographer located in San Antonio Texas. We provide portraits for headshots, seniors in high school and general family portraits Our studio was established in 1991. We have about 1/4 of an acre for outdoor pictures where families can come and not be too crowded.

High school seniors can have a series of photos taken in our great outdoor garden with all the blooming flowers and nice tall trees. Visit our main website for more images and to see our portrait gallery.


Two little birds


I love this theme. Birds are my favorite creatures on this earth. We sit on the back patio with our cameras and take pictures of them along with the hummingbirds.



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