Rated 4 out of 5 stars

It's about time someone did this! I noticed the link to this in your sig on zine, and had to install it immediately - something I rarely do before extensive scrutiny. Afterward, it made me feel like your avatar - hallelujah!

I always thought NoScript was WAY overkill, and if AdBlock Plus can block scripts (not script FILES, scripts embedded in the HTML), I haven't figured out how to get it to do it yet. (There's a lot I haven't figured out about ABP.)

I would give this a 10, but my ultimate wish would be to have this and ABP and FlashBlock and Tab Mix Plus's permissions, and a couple things that haven't been invented yet, all rolled into a single UI where I could go and say

"Block these images, and all objects of type Flash and QuickTime, for THIS site"
"Block all frames, and all PDF files, and all objects of type Windows Media and RealPlayer, for THAT site"
"Block these scripts (but not those) and all external (but not internal) redirects for this OTHER site"
and so on. THAT would be perfect.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.1). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Great to see some sense regarding javascript vs. Firefox/Mozilla. Im all for added user control but the Noscript sillyness has just gotten too far - being promoted like a must have and on "popular" sites/lists! Very strange and out of touch with reality. This has a wee bit of trust in Firefox - and adds more control over scripts... Nice to see not all live in early IE6 days.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.1). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

- Noscript ruins web pages and doesn't offer more security to firefox.
- AB+ allows to block script but it's less intuitive than YesScript.

In one click, you can clean a web page AFTER having seen the original version: with NoScript, web pages are (badly) altered, you'll never see the original page, and you may miss some nice javascript...
YesScript is not as powerful as AB+, but it is very simple to use and allows a better navigation.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.1).