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Craig Snedeker

Про мене

Інформація для розробника
Ім'я Craig Snedeker
Домашня сторінка http://craigps.info
Користувач з Квітень 22, 2008
Кількість розроблених додатків 2 теми
Середня оцінка додатків розробника Ще не оцінено

Трохи більш докладно...

My name is Craig Snedeker. I am 17 years old, and am the owner of SnedekerDesignz.com. I am a web and graphics designer and have had my first website in 2004 (or around there, I’m not totally sure). A few years later I started learning HTML and CSS. Since then I have been doing it professionally.

I am a Webs custom CSS template coder and make lots of templates people can use. I have a custom design service and get a lot of requests for custom templates. Even Webs CEO likes my work :D

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Створені мною теми

Мої відгуки

CSS Refresh

Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

Works like a charm! Fantastic little plugin, thanks a lot for it! It really helps for non Webs.com developing (Wordpress, MyBB, etc). Five stars from me.