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Користувач Firefox 369c44

Про мене

Інформація для розробника
Ім'я Користувач Firefox 369c44
Користувач з Квітень 2, 2018
Кількість розроблених додатків 0 додатків
Середня оцінка додатків розробника Ще не оцінено

Мої відгуки

FlashGot Mass Downloader

Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

Such a great plugin i'm lost in the new version of firefox without it so i have a backup of an older one that still uses it. Can't wait for the update as so easy to use and its how i watch my movies from youtube and stuff as i got bad internet so i download them so no skipped frames and stuff. Love your work and hope you keep updating this in your spare time as truely is the best plugin for downloading movies

Though if you could add or make another plugin that hooks into this to download online videos like "RTMPDumpHelper" being only one of a few that can download the ones that yours can not, but still i use This addon daily to watch youtube as like i said poor internet and my youtube vids freeze or lockup or stop loading altogether.