
Om mig

Namn QuantumDrone
Användare sedan mars 29, 2013
Antal tillägg utvecklade 0 tillägg
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Anime lover.

Mina recensioner

Spice and Wolf - Holo and Apple

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Very simple and clean. Great use of warm golden colors and good placement of Horo; easy to see and out of the way.
Great job!

Insane Black Rock Shooter BRS

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

Very nice gradient transition from light to dark. Excellent placement of the face to the right; the eyes really stand out.
The image is a bit low res overall though, and the "Insane Black Rock Shooter" text is cut off if you have the menu bar disabled.
As a whole, quite a good theme!

on the precipice

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Simple and serene. Doesn't get in the way and all tabs are easily readable.