ScrollAnywhere versionshistorik

8 versioner

Var försiktig med gamla versioner!

Dessa versioner visas för referens och teständamål. Du bör alltid använda den senaste versionen av ett tillägg.

Version 9.2 1.2 MiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

Version 9.2:
- fixed broken scrolling on some pages

See changes in recent releases:
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Version 9.1 1.2 MiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

Version 9.1:
- fixed "Welcome Options page" being displayed too soon, before data migration
- fixed broken scrolling with left button
- fixing runtime errors in the console
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Version 9.0 1.2 MiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

Version 9.0:
- migrated to Manifest V3 (Chrome only)
- fixed broken dynamic styles (scrollbars)
- fixed font size in test page in Chrome
- fixed save button icons in Options page
- fixed errors on XML pages
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Version 8.8 1.1 MiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

Version 8.8 - some new features and A LOT of fixes:
- added "Use middle click to 'paste' content of the clipboard" feature - using the optional "clipboardRead" permission (must be enabled in Options page / General). Works only on "editable" elements which will also get focused!
- added option to set 3 distinct scrolling cursors based on the scrolling - vertical / horizontal / both
- added Fixed axis X/Y lock
- disabled closing popup after click
- new font for testing page
- releasing a scrolling modifier key will now correctly stop scrolling
- default Axis lock is now strict, not smart
- fixed scrolling collision on pages that implements custom scrolling (by blocking "mosedown" event)
- Momentum upgrade - you can now stop momentum with any mouse button without worrying you click something on the page
- Momentum with left button now supports continuous scrolling without text selection - as long as the page is moving, similar to phones
- fixed broken Momentum when using option: "Enable scrolling when key is down"
- moved strict min. version to current Firefox ESR 91, just to be sure
- increased max. Multiplier to 20
- upgrade to Webpack 5 and new libs
- refactoring old code and preparing for Manifest V3
- fixed the sudden jump up when try to scroll down and you are already down
- fixed broken scrolling in some nested flex elements (like Patreon chat)
- fixed scrolling on
- fixed tweet opening while scrolling on
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Version 8.7 513.4 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

- added option to make the toolbar icon the main ON / OFF switch
- options page is now bigger
- fixed the allegro page bug (aka let's not inject any style elements until needed)
- adding Safari support (prepare your wallets :D)
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Version 8.6 511.8 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

- added scrolling for Google Sheets (this was crazy hard!)
- fixed bug where scrollbar settings were applied even on disabled domains / URLs
- added button to Popup window to temporarly show hidden scrollbars (if user has hidden scrollbars)
- testing area in Options page now looks more like testing area (stripes!)
- added performance optimization for super complex pages - if there is more than 10_000 elements on the page, cursor change will be disabled
- removed old XML code again, this time we handle XML as normal HTML (when possible), this will fix some broken XML pages
- fixed showing context menu when using scrolling with Right button and stopping scrolling with ESC key
- fixed broken Right click / Copy (bad context menu without copy) - basically text got un-selected when on right-click when user enables scrolling with Right and Left button
- fixed disabled icon (red) if page contains not-disabled frames (maybe those frames should be disabled as well?)
- added Slovak translations and fixed some grammar mistakes :)
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Version 8.5 544.7 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

- fixed custom scrollbar style in message display window (in Thunderbird Beta 82)
- added missing Slovak translations and fixed some grammar mistakes :)
- added Thunderbird link to popup
- improved popup icon styles
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Version 8.4 523.0 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 78.0 och senare

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