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Nume TimOlaf
Utilizator din Ian. 1, 2022
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

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Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele

Thanks, I'm so glad I found this, just what I was looking for!

Question for anyone: When I add a reminder, the email of course moves to my "Icebox" folder. If I delete the reminder via the "Follow-ups" button in the main T-bird window, the email remains in the Icebox folder. Is that functionality correct? I was expecting it to move back to it's original location -- more like "undoing" the reminder completely. If this is correct, that's ok, I just want to be sure that's what's supposed to happen.

Second, I wonder if it's a bug. If I have one reminder set for an email, and I click on the Follow-ups button in the main T-bird window, and then click on that reminder, it opens up the email in a new tab. BUT, the "from" and "subject" fields are not always correct, instead they are sometimes taken from a completely different email, that was not part of the reminder at all. Hmmm.

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (1.2.2).